![]() 11/09/2017 at 19:20 • Filed to: i dindu nuffin, caught on dashcam | ![]() | ![]() |
The police want me to come to the station to “pick up paperwork” and I have no idea why.
If I do not post later tonight or tomorrow, assume the worst.
Edit: They’re coming to my house now to ‘deliver the paperwork’ I have to be present for to sign(?).
Edit: Edit: I have to appear in court as a witness to !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! , apparently he’s fighting the disorderly conduct ticket he got. Fun stuff. Now I gotta take off work >:(
POST COURT EDIT : I just got home from court. Short story long my neighbor says its MY fault for getting out of my car to confront him (saying my fists were closed, video evidence is inconclusive), said he never exited (lies, he JUMPED out) his truck, claimed I was appearing to come to fight him which is why he got out and started yelling, and also blames the school principal for “singling him out” as the only one parking/driving like an asshat in the school parking lot. I mean, he’s KINDA got a point there. But also, learn your lesson. Stop fighting the norm and just follow the rules and be like everyone else and everything will be FINE.
So I get called as first witness, the principal second, the citing officer third.
I tell them my story, never mentioned having it on video (didn’t seem needed at the time, as the police had a copy), and get questioned by the accused.
He wants to know why I got out to “calm him down” and “explain the situation” (my words), asking what I did for a job, was I a priest, officer, etc. Facing the Disorderly Conduct fine he was facing ($500, right before Christmas!) I don’t know why he was fighting it as much as he was, but I can see where he would think laying blame elsewhere might lessen or eliminate his fine. He asked if I had even experienced Road Rage. I answered “yes”, and before I could elaborate the first of many “Objection, irrelevant”s from the judge came out. He claimed that because I got out of MY car, HE got out of HIS. He claims he stood on the running board, but like I said, video evidence refutes that. I tried to stick to the facts that I knew from memory, and the video I should have reviewed but pretty much know front to back from when I watched it again a week or so ago. He kept coming back to the fact that I got out first, and the judge asked if that was the case, and that he was afraid I was looking for a fight, WHY DID HE GET OUT AND NOT DRIVE PAST ME TO EXIT THE PARKING LOT.
Next up was the principal. I hadn’t heard his side so I stuck around after being told I could leave if I wanted.
He stated he heard the honking of the accused backing into traffic (me and the van) after dropping off his kids in the loading dock and not at the designated drop off zone. After he heard the honking, he witnessed the accused back out at a high rate of speed, then speed down the driveway chasing my car. The latter I can plainly see on video, now that I am looking for it. The backing out fast? Not really. Principal also states he thinks he hopped a curb. Not that I saw on the video. After that he says he heard the honking, saw us standing next to our vehicles, and blocking traffic from entering. According to video, traffic was slowed, but never blocked or stopped. The whole encounter lasted MAYBE 30 seconds, and at that time traffic was driving past us as we chatted.
Anyways, when it came time for the accused to question the Principal, he went on a tirade about how many times he had been talked to about backing into parking spaces (not allowed according to signage), how the school’s rules were not state law, and how the Principal seemed to have it out for him, and how the parking lot is a mess there. It is. But if you follow the rules.... I digress. He also tried the rebuttal “the parking lot is chaos, how could I have backed out at a high rate of speed and driven down the driveway at a high rate of speed if its always full of cars, ‘bumper to bumper’ as you stated?”
More “Objection, irrelevant”s from the judge.
Finally the officer came up to bat, and stated that when serving the ticket, the accused came from the side of his house, the officer asked “were you just at school” and his answer was “Am I being detained”.
Not. Your. Typical. Upstanding. Citizen. Response.
He has a history. Wisconsin Court Access’s website has lots of juicy info on him.
He questioned the officer in court about being told one thing (he can be ticketed for traffic infractions at the school) versus what the principal said (parking lot rules are not enforceable laws) but had very little else to go on about.
The prosecutor then was asked if he would lessen the charges, but due to it happening at a school, refused. The judge, however, noting that the accused had said that “maybe I shouldn’t have honked so much/gotten out of my truck” and the fact that he stopped using the school driveway/parking lot in the manner that he had been, lessened the fine to $187. Still “too much, right before Christmas”, according to the now guilty party. He asked for a payment plan, the judge agreed to take $50 payments starting Jan 25th. Too much info? Maybe. But...
Is he mad? Mad at me? Mad the Principal? Mad at the world? I dunno. Do I feel safe, knowing that he lives just a few houses down from me?
Well, the officer-witness asked me on my way out if I “felt safe” and while I wanted to tell him “I got my 9 in my truck, case he wanna start some SHIEEET BOIIII”, to tell you the truth I think I’ll be fine.
I feel bad for the guy. I do. My intent was to calm him down and explain what he was doing wrong and why it was wrong and MAYBE help him to realize the err of his ways and maybe make the school drop off/pick up situation a bit easier on everyone.
I guess it backfired a bit... or worked a BIT TOO WELL.
Maybe he’ll pay his fine, be a better person, and move on.
But I kind of sort of want to talk to him now that it’s over (after thinking SINCE MARCH that it was) and just let him know my heart was in the right place, and that I didn’t mean for him to go through all this. A slap on the wrist and a change of his attitude should have been enough.
Maybe I’ll see him outside of school. Maybe we can both sit down with the Principal.
I don’t know.
I’ll sleep on it.
With my 9 under my pillow, case he tryna front.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 17:27 |
Are your Doug and Tavarish memes in accordance with federal and local laws? I hear they’re cracking down on unsafe and dangerous memes.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 17:29 |
![]() 11/09/2017 at 17:30 |
I guess they heard about your little maneuver at the Battle of Taanab.
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![]() 11/09/2017 at 17:31 |
Prize money is made of paper
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We’ll just assure ourselves that you’re fine and only serving 25 in one of those fancy resort prisons.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 17:31 |
Welp. See you all in the afterlife! This apparently hurts Jeep’s chances of selling out.
EDIT: I mean, being sold.
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![]() 11/09/2017 at 17:37 |
We’ll assume the plot ends up being like Rambo First Blood.
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That’s what they say before they put you in a FEMA prison camp in Utah.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 17:46 |
Don’t forget to bring a bagel and some doughnuts !
![]() 11/09/2017 at 17:56 |
I think they found thehondabro and you are his emergency contact
![]() 11/09/2017 at 18:03 |
Unless you did something heroic lately no good can come from this.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 18:05 |
Uh....I would NOT go. I’m not sure what good you think can come out of it.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 18:06 |
make sure you get a ride there. and clear your schedule for tomorrow, just in case that there is a long line to see the judge....... forgotten traffic ticket?..... restraining order? .......
![]() 11/09/2017 at 18:16 |
Ask them if you can send your secretary or whatever.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 18:37 |
It’s about your new truck
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Title stated “For Off Road Use”... technically I was OFF the road...
![]() 11/09/2017 at 18:40 |
But I don’t even like Hondas :/
![]() 11/09/2017 at 18:41 |
This ^
![]() 11/09/2017 at 18:41 |
Wait. Why would you go to them? They can come to you or stick it in an envelope and drop it in the outgoing mail.
Unless you’re expecting a copy of an incident report or something like that (and if you are, see above), this sounds like a pretext call to either clear a warrant (by you coming to a convenient place to be taken into custody), or to get you into a room with a trained interrogator, or otherwise engage in some kind of a fishing expedition. Even if you have nothing to hide, have no idea what they’re talking about, are completely innocent, whatever..., it is never in your best interest to put yourself in a conversation with an investigator. Were it me, the next call would be to an attorney and have them find out why they want to speak with you.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 18:41 |
Plans changed, they’re coming to my house in a little bit...
![]() 11/09/2017 at 18:45 |
Wife called and asked if she could pick it up. They said I had to be there to sign for it... so they’re dropping it off at my house now...
![]() 11/09/2017 at 18:46 |
We’ll see... they’re coming to my home in a little while instead. Hmm.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 18:47 |
I immediately thought of this
![]() 11/09/2017 at 19:01 |
keep us updated...
![]() 11/09/2017 at 19:04 |
This sounds like they’re either serving a warrant/restraining order or serving a civil summons. Got anyone looking to sue you? If so, that is probably what they’re doing. If your state/county/municipality/ has an online case look up website, running your name through it might give you a clue as to why they want to speak with you.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 19:04 |
Them needing you to sign paperwork means you’re probably getting served. Kind of weird they called you. They usually just show up. If you got into it with anyone lately it could be a restraining order.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 19:22 |
OP updated
![]() 11/09/2017 at 19:23 |
OP updated. You win for closest guess! If it was a contest... I did check the court access site, and nothing came up under my name because its a case that hasn’t been heard yet.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 19:23 |
Its the former. OP updated with info and a fun link.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 19:27 |
Doing the right thing rarely goes without punishment. Hang in there.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 19:29 |
Being airborne counts as off the road, right? :P
![]() 11/09/2017 at 19:31 |
They served a subpoena for a witness in person for a misdemeanor trial? Far out. It might be that it is required by statue or court rule in that jurisdiction, but that type of thing is usually just sent out via certified mail in my area. Either that or it must be a really slow night at the station.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 19:32 |
My tires were playing “I’m Not Touching You” with the pavement, officer!
![]() 11/09/2017 at 19:33 |
Same. Not sure why all the fanfair. At least it was just one cop and he didn’t come all lights n’ sirens and stuff.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 19:41 |
apparently he doesn’t either since he now has a hard on for lexus.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 19:46 |
Update when received. Super curious what ‘paperwork’ the police have that could possibly be good.... I’m sorry, but I worry for you, lol.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 19:47 |
OP was updated. Just a simple court summons to appear as a witniss ;)
![]() 11/09/2017 at 20:13 |
7+ months later? That’s some slow wheels of justice.
Just the same, I hope they stick it to him.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 20:37 |
Yeah! No jail time or huge fine!
![]() 11/09/2017 at 20:58 |
Just read the update. Interesting that they just didn’t mail it.
No good deed goes unpunished.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 21:34 |
The sad part about all this is it took almost 8 months for them to set a court date.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 21:39 |
They’re probably like “Really? You’re fighting this ticket? REALLY? Shiiiiiiiit well I guess we’ll pencil you in sometime in.... uhhh... December? Maybe you’ll reconsider?”
![]() 11/09/2017 at 21:42 |
Lol yeah maybe so. I dunno what he intends to prove, but whatever. Have you had any other run ins with him since then?
![]() 11/09/2017 at 22:13 |
Just in passing. I see him pretty much every day at school and he lives just a few houses down from me.
![]() 11/10/2017 at 02:05 |
Was the officer a Sheriff?
![]() 11/10/2017 at 08:14 |
My dad got RAN OVER at work back in June (super long story, he’s okay has some elbow surgery in two weeks)
The guys court case is set for April...
![]() 11/10/2017 at 09:09 |
Geez. That’s just unreal. The judicial system at its finest.
![]() 11/10/2017 at 10:06 |
Nah, local city cop.
![]() 12/05/2017 at 19:19 |
Damn. What a PITA.
Then again, the type of individual that may be confrontational and irrational when it comes to being called out is most likely the individual to go kicking and screaming, slinging mud on anyone in range whilst trying to take anyone else down that he or she can.
![]() 12/05/2017 at 19:22 |
I got my 9 in my truck, case he wanna start some SHIEEET BOIIII
With my 9 under my pillow, case he tryna front.
You OD’ed! This is why you’re forever the homie lol
![]() 12/05/2017 at 19:23 |
Don’t go talk to this guy. Seriously, let it be. If he wants to talk to you when he’s calmed down, he will.
You done good.
![]() 12/05/2017 at 19:30 |
I emailed the Principal, asked him what he thought about a meeting of the three of us. We’ll see what he says.
I just want him to know that we (or at least I) am not out to get him.
![]() 12/05/2017 at 19:34 |
“Am I being detained?” is my new non-sequitur answer to everything asked of me where I don’t have an answer ready.
![]() 12/05/2017 at 19:40 |
I forgot to add when the officer told him “no, but I am here to write you a disorderly conduct citation” he told the officer he was going back into his house, AND WENT BACK IN.
![]() 12/05/2017 at 20:24 |
Dude needs a payment plan for less than $200? Yikes
![]() 12/05/2017 at 20:28 |
It doesn’t matter what you want him to think. He’s already made up his mind and you and the principal are out to get him. Don’t waste the effort trying to talk to him. In his eyes it won’t be a conversation, it will be a confrontation.
![]() 12/05/2017 at 21:24 |
Keep that nine warmed up. Fool be trippin.
![]() 12/05/2017 at 21:33 |
I’m totally going to use this the next time the guy in a polo shirt and khakis tries to get me to sign up for DirecTV at Walmart.
![]() 12/05/2017 at 21:34 |
The problem with this is that once he’s made up his mind that you’re out to get him, any attempt to initiate contact with him will be viewed as you (and/or the principal) being out to get him.
![]() 12/05/2017 at 23:09 |
That sounds about right in the outcome and not reducing the charge. Back when I was working for a lawyer friend of mine who had a side contract prosecuting misdemeanors for a nearby town, I drew the line on anything involving injuries, property damage or schools/school zones. Those folks never got a deal on the charges. We never made a recommendation in sentencing (which in and of itself is a fantastic deal for the defendant).
![]() 12/06/2017 at 17:03 |
This is actually my go-to with officers, no joke.